Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Along the Road

So, it's road-trip-to-Houston day here, This is trip #4 since the beginning of May. James & I roll out at 11:00 (once again, in a friend's truck that is most graciously loaned to us). Sadly, us small towners have to schedule our trips so as to avoid rush hours. Thus, the plan is to hit Baton Rouge after the lunch hour, and Houston after the evening rush hour (if there actually is "after the rush hour" out there...). Since we don't actually go into Houston proper today, we should be OK traffic-wise. (What was that George Strait song about the famous last words of a fool? *grin*)

I woke up with the song and the poem below on my mind this morning. Thus, they're what you get today. Dan Fogelberg is one of my favorite song writers; when I grow up, I'd like to be able to capture thoughts with words the way he did. For example, his song "To the Morning" has long been a favorite of mine, as has his tribute to his father, "The Leader of the Band." And then there's his "Sutter's Mill" which captures the story of the guy whose discovery of gold sparked the CA gold rush of the mid 1800s. And "Another Auld Lang Syne". And "As the Raven Flies." And...So many excellent stories & poems captured in song. I was greatly saddened to hear of his passing a couple of years ago from prostate cancer. (BTW, if you want to see how songs ought to be written, click the link above and click the "lyrics" tab. Freshen up your coffee first. *smile*)

But I digress. Back on point, I bought the Ashton/Becker/Dente CD years ago just because I heard this song on the radio. I love Dan Fogelberg's singing very much, but these three ladies absolutely knocked this one out of the park.

And just this morning as I was re-pondering the lyrics, I realized that the song captured many of my thoughts about this trip better than I can capture them myself. So, Dan says to you "here's what Mike's thinking today..."

Along the Road
Dan Fogelberg
(recorded by the trio Susan Ashton, Margaret Becker, & Christine Dente)

Joy at the start, fear in the journey
Joy in the coming home
A part of the heart gets lost in the learning
Somewhere along the road.

Along the road, your path may wander
A pilgrim’s faith may fail
Absence makes the heart grow stronger
Darkness obscures the trail.

Cursing the quest, courting disaster
Measureless nights forebode
Moments of rest, Glimpses of laughter
Are treasured along the road.

Along the road, your steps may tumble
Your thoughts may start to stray
But through it all a heart held humble
Levels and lights your way.

Joy at the start, Fear in the journey
Joy in the coming home
A part of the heart gets lost in the learning
Somewhere along the road
(lyrics end)

That's what I have to say about my feelings about this trip. Thanks, Dan.

Here's tomorrow's schedule:
12:30 - blood/specimen collection (disturbing phrase there...)
12:50 - chest xray
1:45 - followup w/ Dr. Mehran (surgeon who did the VATS)
4:00 - chest/abdomen/pelvis CT scan

6-7ish - TEX MEX food @ Gringo's (hey, this is an important component of the deal! *grin*)

Thanks so very much for your continued prayers "along this road." Stay tuned for more concrete medical news this weekend. And consider yourself hugged today!

With Love and Hope,


Anonymous said...


The Pattersons continue to hold you and your family up in prayer. Thank you for blessing us through your updates. May God continue to be with you and work through you.

Rob Patterson

Jimmy said...

Dan Fogleberg!!!! Unbelievable. Great lyrics awesome voice. I can't believe we've never talked about his music and it's influence on our lives. And no, we haven't talked about MM in your lungs. Keep me informed...keep me on my knees...
Love you,