Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Couple of Things

I threw a doozy of a pity party last night. Tears, mostly, with some "but God, why?" thoughts mixed in for good measure. (Thankfully, He has promised not to hold my humanity against me...hope you don't either!) Two things happened to yank me out of it & get me back toward course.

1) my brother called
He's become my best friend, other than Lisa, and his phone call & emotions shared were a tonic for my soul.

2) Right after that, while aimlessly channel surfing, I landed on a channel I never watch. Got there just in time to catch the tail end of a Mark Lawry comedy monologue that led into him singing his incredible song, "Mary Did You Know?" As he always does, he knocked it out of the park. Chill bumps ran up & down my spine, as they always do in that song. But then, Mark himself teared up while singing the bridge; thus, I did too. "The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again; the lame will leap, the dumb will speak the praises of the lamb..." At that point, it was as if the chills had gone beyond merely my spine and were running up & down the depths of my soul. (aside: aren't you glad Mark was paying attention to what the Spirit was saying to write that day??)

Hearing my Lord celebrated in such an awesome way (one of the best songs the Holy Spirit has inspired this side of the Psalms, imo) just after chatting with my beloved brother blessed my soul and restored it a good bit in ways I cannot capture with mere words.

There's a wonderful scene in Lewis' Prince Caspian in which Lucy is surprised to see that Aslan seems so much bigger after all these years. Aslan replies, “I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.

May we all "find Him bigger" today than yesterday. Especially me.

Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. We are greatly humbled and highly honored that so many are standing in the gap for us in this bend in the road.

With much love and great hope, because He is bigger,
Mike - just a jar of clay

p.s. - Got 4 minutes & 12 seconds? Want to have your socks blessed off? Check this out. It's not the version I saw last night, but it's the same intensity of emotions. (Note David Phelps wiping his eyes in the background just before starting to sing) Plus, having Guy Penrod & David Phelps backing you up is not bad at all...*smile* There are many versions of this song out there, all good. But I prefer Mark himself, since he's the one who was present as the Holy Spirit was giving him these lyrics. Can you imagine what he & Buddy experienced the first time they sang their piece in public?


Anonymous said...

Dear Mike and Lisa,
Please know that Philip and I are praying for you daily. It is so funny that you would mention Lucy's quote from Prince Caspian as Tony did on Sunday morning as well. I know I forget how big God is until my problem (not to be compared with yours) seems big. I will especially pray for his "bigness" to be incredibly evident in your lives today.

We got to spend some time with Ann Saturday night at the Iglehart wedding. She was so delightful to be with...very bright and witty.
Once again, know that we are praying daily.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mike and Lisa,
Jerry and I are praying for you daily. It is so incredible that you can share your journey through this medium. You have been such a blessing to me when I read your postings, you send me to music and scriptures that I would not be experiencing apart from your willingness to share your heart.

May God continue to be there in His might for your whole family - as I know He is.