Saturday, August 9, 2008

Brief Update

As I put on my facebook page, I am living the excellent old Chicago song: "Feelin' stronger every day...ya know I'm alright, yeeeaaaahh..." *grin*

A remarkable thing just happened. Both James & Anne, plus the 2 dogs, were asleep here in the living room, while I was awake! ( I had already had a short snooze with James' puppy Beau earlier...Still, though...) I really am feeling much better each day. Which means....

*drum roll*

I will be back @ church tomorrow morning, and teaching Sunday School too!! I can't tell you how excited I am about this! By my count, I've not been to church on Sunday morning in either 4 or 5 weeks, which is a looooooong time for me. I'm hoping the folks in my SS class are, well, still in my SS class! *smile*

It's a pretty safe bet that I'll have to promptly come home and nap, but then, that's true most Sundays even without having been to IL-2-land.

Yesterday, I went on a fairly serious Walmart run with Mom, then to lunch with a buddy & also walked around church doing Sunday School stuff, then drove to Columbia to pick up some furniture for James' apt. So, I'm making progress on the tired-ness front. However, I walked up some one floor of stairs at church, which really hammered home how hard IL-2 cycles are on one's cardiovascular fitness. (answer: very hard!)

Still fairly "itchy," and still just a small amount of fluid left that won't seem to go away.

But all in all, I'm way, way farther along than, say, Tuesday.

Thanks for your continued prayers! I'll never be able to repay the prayers and deeds of so many. But my Lord sees and knows and rewards.

Thanks again!

Love and hope,

p.s. - hard to believe that it's only 10 days until we find out whether this has worked, is working, or is not working...


Leslie said...

Still praying and especially for that report in 10 days: Cancer free! And so glad to hear that you will be able to teach tomorrow. I need to come try to meet you!

Unknown said...

OK, you started it. How about:
I Feel fine - Beatles;
Hope You're feeling Better - Santana;
Feelin' Alright - Traffic, Joe Cocker, etc.;
You Don't Know How it Feels - Tom Petty;
and last, but not least, when the treatments are finally over: Feels So Good - Chuck Mangione

It will be good to see you at church today.